domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

I just want you to know ................................................... Solo quiero que sepas
That I've been fighting to let you go ......................... Que he luchado por olvidarte
Some days I make it through......................................... Algunos dias lo logro,
And then there's nights that never end.. ...................Y luego hay noches interminables.
I wish that I could believe............................................... Desearia poder creer
That there's a day you'll come back yo me............... Que algun dia regresaras a mi
But I still I have to say..................................................... Pero tengo que decir
I would do it all again........................................................ Que lo volvería a hacer otra vez.
Just want you to know....................................................... Solo queria que sepas
That since I lost you......................................................... . Que desde que te perdi
I lost myself,.......................................................................... Me perdi a mi misma
No I can't fake it.................................................................. No, no puedo fingir
There's no one else........................................... No hai nadie mas ♥♫